
Medicare Frequently Asked Questions

Confused about Medicare Coverage? Overwhelmed with all the information you’re receiving? You’re not alone. Medicare coverage can be confusing, especially if you’re not familiar with the different types of coverage and eligibility requirements.


Here are some common questions regarding Medicare, as well as their answers.

What percentage of my health care does Medicare Cover?

In a nutshell, Medicare generally covers about 80% of your Medical Cost. This leaves you with 20% of the costs to pay out of your pocket.

How do I know if I am eligible for Medicare?

You may be eligible for Medicare if:

  • You are at least 65 years or older
  • Have been on Social Security Disability for at least 24 months (regardless of age)

These are general requirements for Medicare. Each individual plan (A, B, D, MediGap) have specific requirements for eligibility as well. If you are unsure about your eligibility, you can always reach out to us or check on www.medicare.gov.

What does Medicare Plan A cover?

Part A of Medicare generally covers: Hospital, Hospice, Home Health Care, Skilled Nursing Care and Nursing Home Care.

What does Medicare Plan B cover?

Medicare Part B generally covers: Doctor and Specialist Visits, Lab Tests, Mental Health Care, Ambulance, Preventative Services, Wheelchairs, Walkers, Oxygen, and Outpatient Hospital.

What does Medicare Plan C (Medicare Advantage) cover?

Overall, Part C is a combination of the Medicare Parts A & B, plus additional benefits and services provided by a private insurance company. Medicare Advantage provides benefits in one cohesive plan. It’s important to note that included in all types of Medicare Advantage Plans, is coverage for emergency and urgently needed care, according to medicare.gov. These benefits include and are not limited to:

  • Flat Rate or $0 Copays for Services
  • In bedded Part D Prescription coverage
  • Dental and Vision coverage
  • Hearing Aid coverage
  • Gym Memberships

What is Medigap?

In general, Medigap is a  medicare supplement plan and will fill some or all of the gaps of what Medicare does not cover. There are no provider networks, which means you can see any doctor in the nation that accepts Medicare. However, these plans all have a monthly premium and do not have extra benefits like: Dental, Vision, Hearing or prescription coverage.

How do I decide which plan is right for me?

This is a great question. There is no “one size fits all” Health Insurance plan. Figuring out which Medicare plan is best for you can take some time, research and can be a lot easier if you talk to a professional who knows their way around the different plans. We can help you decide which plan is right for you. Like doctors, an Accurate Choice Insurance Agent will also ask a few questions about your family’s needs and lifestyle in order to match a health insurance solution that specifically meets those needs. We are here to help!

How do I enroll in Medicare?

If you are nearing or have approached 65, we can help you enroll in Medicare. The easiest way to enroll in Medicare is to reach out to us at info@accuratechoice.com or call us at 702-425-4100. We can speak with you about the different Medicare plans, what is best for you and your situation, and enroll you!

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